Danny • Barcelona • #1
September 19, 2017
What’s up everyone?
Ready for some summery, palm trees themed captures from sunny Barcelona? (well, not sunny right now as I’m typing this, on the contrary, it’s cold and dark and raining and I just want to cuddle under a warm blanket and cry.. ok, I’m diverting…).
Back to the story!
A couple of weeks ago I got the awesome opportunity to photograph beautiful model Danny, whom I met quite by chance to be honest: via Instagram. After all these years of being on Facebook and Instagram and I still can’t wrap my head about how powerful these networks are and how great they can be for making new connections!
So I basically noticed her while randomly checking my Instagram one day, saw her photos and immediately knew I wanted to have her beauty in my portfolio. Imagine how happy I was when she said yes!
We got together one warm and sunny afternoon for a quick test photo shoot close to the seaside, in an area with fat tiny palm trees (I always call them pineapples) because I wanted to include an exotic background in my portfolio too (I’m in Barcelona after all, I have to show it!).
It was such a pleasure to photograph Danny, as she didn’t need much posing direction or indications. Everything fell smoothly into place, without much planning going into it beforehand: the location, her natural beauty, the sunset light, the outfit (loving that knitwear top!)… I’m so happy with the outcome!
Those who know me, know that most of my “quick” photoshoots are not really that quick and can easily take more time than expected, as I often have new ideas popping up during the session, depending on how inspired I feel in that moment. So duh, I convinced Danny to switch locations after this set and moved to a different place where we caught the last evening light..
..but that’s for part 2 of the article 😉
Until then, enjoy the first set!