winter queen photoshoot in review
March 29, 2014
Well, this one is another already old photoshoot, taken in February in Timișoara, outdoors, at a damn freezing low temperature. It´s a collection preview for romanian designer Andreea Borcea, featuring a beautiful delicate black & gold body dress.
All the praises should go to the beautiful and courageous model, Alina, who successfully resisted a whole hour almost naked at less than 0°C, in snow. We did recovered ourselves afterwards with large mugs of hot delicious tea. 😉
Why did I insist to hold the photoshoot in this awful conditions? Well, I basically looked after the contrast between the delicate thin dress and the harsh surroundings, somehow like the contrast between the first snowdrop and the snow itself. It was hard to concentrate, though, as I hate it when my models don’t feel at their best and Alina was obviously feeling really cold, even started shivering by the end of the session. I did my best to take the photos I wanted as fast as possible (hopefully I succeeded) and I hope she still wants to be my model in the upcoming future ^_^
Also, this was my second experiment with the mirror prism and I think it went better than the first time, because being in an outdoor location I had more possibilities to reflect interesting stuff and there were no unwanted objects to enter my framing. Damn it, now I miss that mirror prism…
Long story short, enjoy the images and don’t forget to take a look below at the credits and show those people some love! ♥
And these ones below were taken afterwards (notice the cosy sweater), just because she’s such a natural beauty and the make-up complemented her so well ^_^
Model: Alina Florescu
MUA: Adina Trohin
Body dress: Andreea Borcea
Many thanks to my friend Daniela for being a patient and willing assistant! And as always, don’t forget to follow my facebook page for fresh updates!
Demult nu am mai văzut chipul unui model care sa-mi placa atât de mult. Ai o față angelică și blândă. Îmi aduci aminte de soția mea când era mai tânără. Sunt convins ca ai multe rivale în modeling-ul autohton. Am văzut videoclipul în care te-am remarcat Alina Florescu. Multă baftă, sănătate, fericire și să nu îmbătrânești niciodată 🙂
Cu respect Victor Trif
Londra 30/08/2015