#WonderfulStories • Damaris
August 20, 2017
Hola, hola! What’s up everybody?
As you might have noticed, I finally made some free time to get back on track with the blog – so many projects I didn’t get the chance to share with you yet! One at a time, bare with me!
So back at the end of May (madre mia, is it really August already or am I dreaming!?) I had the pleasure to photograph beautiful Damaris for her 18th birthday. She’s such a sweet girl, it was a joy to take her portraits!
It’s always such a nice feeling to see a model (especially when they don’t have too much experience or any at all) transform from being a bit nervous at the beginning of the photoshoot and then gradually gaining confidence, so by the end of the session they’re relaxed and, most of the times, it’s when we get the best captures.
We went for one of my all-time favourite setups: nature, this time in the form of a gorgeous, intimate garden that gave us plenty of options to move around and alternate angles. All natural light!
The rose bush was special itself – it wasn’t actually part of the mentioned garden. We spotted it by the road in front of a block of flats, while in the car. The moment I saw it I already had the framed portrait in my head, so by the end of the session we headed back there, found it again, and got a few more captures while dealing with curious passers-by.
I’m in love with the results of this session and hope you guys like it too!
Make-up & hair were done by the talented Anamaria Demian & Florina Demian.
To mark such an important moment – turning 18 – this session wouldn’t have been complete without having the photos in print form too, to make sure they won’t get lost in the sea of digital files and to keep them forever (or gift them to loved ones). All of them came in white frame and safely guarded in a box for protection.
I always advocate for having your favourite photos printed – especially when they mark an important moment in your life. Actually, I’m looking forward to selecting and printing out my travel captures as soon as I settle in one place and have where to store them (or show them off, hehe) – the selecting process will surely be the hardest one, in order to pick the best of the best.
Do you value printed photography? Share your thoughts below!