2014 in review
December 31, 2014
Here I am, at the end of the best year so far, with high hopes and expectations for the upcoming new year.
2014 treated me extremely kind and I am so thankful for that. I’m going to repeat myself here, but I guess you already know that I spent half of this year in Spain (yes, yes, I’m in a little post-Spain post-Erasmus depression) where I met some amazing people and had awesome photoshoots, some of them in breathtaking places. Now I miss everything and everyone so much! I can’t even get used to the winter low temperatures back home and thank God in my hometown there’s only sun and no snow. I’m hoping to go back to Spain and I promise to start creating my own opportunities for that to happen as soon as 2015 kicks in!
Back home, can’t really complain! Met new creative people with whom I’ve started collaborating “photographicly” quite constantly and the ideas just keep flowing in a way I can’t even keep up with right now. It’s like an addiction: you get great results from an awesome photoshoot and then you just want more! And honestly, I can hardly wait to shoot again (even if my hard disk is suffering from all the images waiting to be post-processed and shown to the world).
2014 was best of, really.
For 2015, I only wish to shoot more and better imagery. Oh, and graduate from University. I guess this one should go first, on top of everything else. Want it or not, it’s the most important. I’m also having some traveling in mind. Oh, and I should find a job. And… Damn it, I’m starting to make plans again! I’ll just cut it short:
2015, don’t disappoint me (or everyone reading this blog will know!)!
Happy New Year, dear readers! What’s your most cherished wish or hope for 2015?